Back from the beyond...
Hello, and apologies for the lack of blog activity over the past few weeks.
This is going to be ashort one I think...
The past few weeks have been a bit of a blur for me, work has been non stop, I've been working over pretty much every day as we have a massive deadline coming up in a few weeks time.
I've had some fantastic weekends though. I went to Bournemouth at the weekend to see my youngest brother who is at University there. It was great fun as my other brother and his girlfriend went aswell so there the three brothers and their girlfriends/wife! My yougest brother, Bob is studying script writing, he wants to be the next Ricky Gervais. The weekend before Rachel and I took our son to London to the Science museum - which was probably more for me than them!
Read a lot of stuff about Iran in the UK news this month, testing times ahead...I hope it all ends well, but with Mr Bush you never know. What non of us want is another conflict. I realise that with censorship and monitoring it is difficult for you to transcribe any opinion but I wish you and your nation well Mr Behi. Reading your blog it is clear to me your are very a proud Iranian and your messages remind us that Iran is a great nation of people. Sometimes I think the western world overlook the eastern nations and forget that your people are the not so different to us, the same worries and concerns and the same ultimate hopes for peace.
Wishing you the best.
posted by Steve @ 8:14 PM